Samsung Electronics LCD Slovakia, (currently: Samsung Display Slovakia) is the only one Samsung European plant of a technologically challenging LCD displays production. Slovak Republic granted to this plant the status of a significant investment in the public interest.
Construction works of this greenfield investment in Voderady (near Trnava) started in 2007. In 2008 the plant was prepared to a gradual transfer and implementation of production lines, as well as the production itself.

My role within this start-up project in 2008-2009 (1 year) was to manage the start-up of this greenfield investment from Human Resources point of view to guarantee its existence, production start and continuity, as well as fulfilling the criterias of public interest in terms of people and employment matters. The time frame of my interim assignment for this project was defined in the extent of 12 months. My goals were successfully fulfilled. I have set up the HR Strategy in order to fulfill the expectations of our mother company, Vicepresident (start-up period) as well as the Government of Slovak Republic. I developed a team of 12 professionals fully competent and able to work independently after my leave and assure the continous and safe functionality of Human Resources Department.
Within 10 months we hired 960 FTEs which were fully trained and addapted to their new roles with this technology in the environment of the average unemployment rate on the level of 2-4% in the regions of Trnava, Trenčín and Bratislava, keeping the fluctuation rate under 6% and absenteeism rate under 2%. Besides these excellent results we were able to reach the maximum level of the local laws implementation, as well as ethical, moral and human principles. We reached a significant move in building the Slovak-Korean interpersonal relationships which were considered highly above the standard applied in other Korean companies in the Central and Eastern European Region.

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