Thyssenkrupp system engineering is one-stop shop for all the essential components in the process chain for car body and powertrain assembly including related checking and test systems for the automobile and supplier industry. the new business fields include automation solutions for alternative accumulator and drive systems, solutions for innovative lightweight construction concepts as well as assembly and test systems for the aircraft industry. the volkswagen group new small family platform (nsf) will be a range of ultra-compact city cars built by volkswagen group launched in late 2011.
The cars are built in slovakia at the group’s devínska nová ves plant near bratislava, volkswagen group planned to invest 308 million eur in readying the plant for the project. nsf models will be badged as volkswagens, seats and škodas, it has also been reported that audi is planning a nsf version of the nsf as well. volkswagen group expects to build 4.5 million nsf cars in the model’s anticipated nine-year life. in autumn 2011 the instalation of first lines and the major parts were partially done, the key specialists were onboard and project was on its good way to go on consistently in line with plans.

My role within this start-up project in 2011 – 2012 was to provide the support to the start-up team of ThyssenKrupp System Engineering in terms of all Human Resources related areas as an external HR Manager. The aim was to introduce Human Resources as an internal service accepted and respected by the whole organization with relatively complicated internal employment and business relationships. ThyssenKrupp run this project in cooperation with 16 various contracted entities with specific roles in the project life cycle. My assignment gave me enough independency in implementation this service itself. The role of Human Resources was naturally understood as an internal service, with full respect and acceptance of all employees, contractors, freelancers onboard. Project was closed unexpectedly due to VW decison of insourcing the whole scope of service provided by ThyssenKrupp System Engineering.
The short time frame of 15 days was a rare condition, not so easy to handle due to the size of the project team (250 FTEs + approx. 60 members contracted on a different basis) with specific professional backround, complicated relationship between Volkswagen Group and ThyssenKrupp System Engineering (including property and personal issues). Taking into consideration the backround the final result was successfull: efficient cooperation of a diverse team of professionals including a wide range of professions from mechanics to robot programmers, handling the project closing within 15 days without the mass dismissal and with 0 court cases onboard. Employee Satisfaction Survey with an excellent response rate at the level of 72% with 96% of “highly satisfied” and “satisfied” answers. 76% of known former employees found an adequate job / assignment within max. 5 months after the project-closing outside of VW.

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